Here are a few energy management tips for your next photoshoot.


Plenty of sleep helps you look your best and keeps you functioning at a high level.

The last thing you need for your shoot is to have huge bags under your eyes. Not a great look for your photos. So go to bed early and try to get 8 hours of sleep. For me, being tired means low energy. Being low and grumpy for your photoshoot will always show through in your photos. 


Reduce the use of electronic devices before bed.

The blue light emitted from your phone messes with circadian rhythm. Essentially tricking your brain into believing it’s day time, making it difficult to fall asleep. Most phones and computers have a night shift mode these days, making them look orange. The orange light doesn’t give your brain that day time feel.


Good eating

Be sure to eat something before you leave for your session. This will help you stay focused and energised. If your session is scheduled to last the whole day, make sure you take plenty of water and snacks or make time to stop for lunch. Fun is not fun without food for your tum.


Spoil yourself

Have you noticed how you feel after treating yourself to a new outfit or makeover? You feel great, confident, energised. Use the energy you get from some self-pampering to energise and boost your next shoot.

Post created by Wellington headshots photographer, Tim Morrison